
20 SKI TOURING SMOKING SPA / SAUNA TELEVISION TOBOGGANING TELEPHONE TAXIS IN FLACHAU A selection of mountain guides and shops for renting equipment can be found at our reception. We are happy to book your tours with the guides. We would like to point out that our house is run as a non-smoking hotel. In all rooms as well as in all public areas in the hotel is smoking prohibited! You can enjoy your cigarette outside at the back entrance of our hotel, where you also have radiant heaters. Thank you for your understanding! Open from 4 pm to 7 pm with Finnish sauna, steam bath and Physiotherm infrared cabin (in summer on request). Our sauna facility is exclusively available to adults (15 years and older) and is without exception a nude and low-volume environment. We kindly ask you, not to reserve loungers. Please note the general sauna rules. Every room is equipped with a TV having cable programme. We would be glad to inform you about the most beautiful toboggan runs at the reception. Local calls as well as in-house calls are free of charge. For local calls, dial “0” for the open line; for in-house calls, dial the desired room number. Internal numbers:  Reception 9  For all emergencies 112 You can be reached at the following number:  0043 6457 2623 + the number of your room.  Taxi3000, Tel. 0043 6457 3000  Taxi Reiter, Tel. 0043 6457 2900  Taxi Huber, Tel. 0043 6457 2402  StarTaxi, Tel. 0043 664 99916555